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发布日期:2008-06-20  华人喷码网

2008年10月,由中国酿酒工业协会主办,中华人民共和国卫生部、国资委、发改委、质监总局、工商总局、环保总局共同支持举办的首届世界酒业大会将在北京举办。目前,世界酒业大会组委会透露,为了成功举办首届世界酒业大会,大会将与2008(第八届)中国国际啤酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会(China Brew & China Beverage 2008)同期举行。



中国国际啤酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会是亚洲最具影响力的行业盛会,自第一届举办以来,展览会以其巨大的市场潜力吸引着全球的目光,阵容超强的专业买家、高端产品和尖端技术、全方位的宣传和推广、专业的服务和展会管理一直是展览会成功的硬核。2008(第八届)中国国际啤酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会(China Brew & China Beverage 2008)本着拓展商务平台、行业聚焦世界顶尖技术、直接接触全球目标买家、成就企业再创明日辉煌的目的,与世界酒业大会合作,力求最大程度上的双赢。

2008 International Alcoholic Drinks Conference and China Brew & Beverage 2008 to be Held the Same Period

Organized by China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association, with the supporting organizers of Ministry of Health, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, State Development Planning Commission, General Quality Inspection Bureau, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and State Environmental Protection Administration, 2008 International Alcoholic Drinks Conference will be held simultaneously with China Brew & Beverage 2008 in October Beijing.

As the biggest alcohol production and consumption country, China enjoys a long history of alcohol making and its various alcohol categories and unique techniques attract attentions from the world alcoholic industry professionals. After decades of adjustment of industrial structure, the current output of fermented wine of China has occupied over 90% of the total alcohol production while the low-alcohol liquor shares 80% of the liquor production. In addition, the beer output has approached 40 million kl, the highest in the world for six consecutive years and the production of wine keeps an annual increase of over 20%. All the figures reveal a fact that the position of China becomes more and more important in the world alcoholic industry.

China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association has been preparing to organize an international alcohol conference from 2007. This conference will be focused on discussing the relationship between “alcohol enterprises and the social responsibility, economy, environment and culture” which is also the topic of this event. At that time, alcohol organizations from home and abroad, famous alcohol enterprises and colleagues in this industry will get together at Beijing to understand and grasp the alcohol industry's development trends and policies, discuss about the problems existing in the development of world alcohol industry and cooperation within the industry to adapt the globalization.

With its seven successful presentations, China Brew & Beverage, the Asia’s icon event for the brewing and beverage industries, have drawn world attentions for its huge potential market. Its high-end technologies on show, quality purchasers with absolute power, global promotion campaign and professional service and management ensure you a successful showcase. With the objectives of extending business platform, highlighting the state-of-art technologies, providing exhibitors a meeting place of buyers around the world, China Brew & Beverage 2008 will coordinate with 2008 International Alcoholic Drinks Conference to bring exhibitors bigger success. 

2008(第八届)中国国际啤酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会(China Brew & Beverage 2008)由中国建材轻工机械集团公司 (原中国轻工业机械总公司)主办,北京中轻合力机械设备有限公司承办,中国酿酒工业协会和中国饮料工业协会协办,更多详细信息敬请登陆:http://www.chinabrew-beverage.com





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